Man, only my third "News" post in a year... Bad Bob!! I suppose I can blame my lack of presence on COVID as it has now been about a year since my last live show. I miss playing a lot... a lot.
But, things are happening! I wrote some cool songs over the last year, including a NSFW song called "A New Year's Adieu", one that's been in the back of my head for years called "I Wish I Was a Dog", a short little deal called "Almost Out of Cleveland" and one I really enjoy playing called "A Restless Heart and a Troubled Mind". The latter three will likely appear on my next record, which I am very excited to record at the end of this month in the woods of Northern Wisconsin. I cannot wait. I am going to record over the course of a few days at my family's longtime retreat, with the help of my frequent collaborators Corey Hess and Marc Conklin. I will be playing my trusty Guild JF30, my 1946 Gibson LG-2 and my 1966 Gibson ES-330. I have been looking forward to this project for a long time, hard to believe the date is now so near!
As much as I am excited about recording, I am also so eager to begin playing live shows again. COVID has pretty much brought all live performances to a halt, but I am hopeful that the end of the pandemic is in sight. Along those lines, my status as a MN teacher allowed me to get vaccinated yesterday, and I will receive my second dose of the Moderna vaccine on 3/1/21, the day after I return from recording. I hope that everybody who wants to be vaccinated has that opportunity soon, and that businesses of all sorts can open again and life will return to something close to what it was pre-pandemic.
Til then, stay safe everybody!
Much Love,