Man, it's already March 10th and this is my first post of 2016. Lame!! Anyway, I posted a video today of a song called "Freedom On the Ledges"... which is also likely to be the title of my next record. The video is on YouTube and also in the 'Videos' section of this very website. Tricky, huh!
Speaking of my next record, work continues in the studio w/ my trusted bassist / drummer / producer Corey Hess. I am very excited with how things are sounding. My guitar and vocals are done, as are bass and drums. The next steps are to record lead guitar, organ, piano, and violin. It sounds like a lot as I type it, but, hopefully, will go quickly and smoothly. I'm shooting to have the whole thing mixed, mastered and in hand by Fall of this year.
Hope everyone's doing well as Spring makes an early appearance! Take care,