Today, April 9th, is a great day for a couple of reasons.
First, it is the 24th anniversary- 4/9/95- of my first date with the fetching Laura! We ate lunch at the Uptown Lotus- her favorite Vietnamese place- then had a quick beer at the Rainbow Bar.
Second, we got good news yesterday from her doctor and I am embracing the feeling that comes with such news, a feeling that can really only be understood if you or a loved one is, as is said, "deep in the shit"...
Third, Spring is fighting to take hold. The brutal Winter has passed, the snow has melted, the ice is coming off the Lakes... But, we may get one last blast as perhaps as much as 8 inches of snow expected on Thursday. Oh, well, it'll melt away quickly...
Not much is new. since my last post, though a couple of things worthy of mention. I am still feeling good about my relatively new song "Runner", which I debuted at my 2/28/19 Honey gig. Also, working on another new one called "Justice", about a dog my family had of the same name.
Finally, heading out w/ my buddy Marc to see Todd Snider on Friday nite- 4/12/19. Todd Snider is, as I may have written before, a master storyteller, a solid guitar player and a cool, quirky songwriter, somewhat similar to John Prine. Todd Snider shows are always a great time, and I can't wait to be there!
Speaking of shows, my next one is at Honey on Friday, May 10th. I'm not sure if it'll be solo or if I'll have some friends onstage. Either way, it'll be a cool nite, hope to see you there! Bob