Thanks for checking out my new site. Building this site is an effort I am forced to undertake due to the unfortunate loss of my good friend Dan Fagin last summer. I will miss Dan greatly and can't really believe he's gone... While the site he built for me was, in fact, quite cool and unique, it was created in such a way that I was unable to, without his help, update it effectively. Thus, I am trying to teach myself to fish here, with a little help from my buddy Eric Nelson and his pal Andy Heimdahl.
The building of this site coincides, roughly, with the October 4 release of my new record- "Nothing Hid". It is a record I am very excited about, one that took 15 months to make, and one that I very much hope makes it your way. You can listen to it in its entirety- and for free- at You can buy it there, too, either the whole record or individual tracks. Ultimately, you'll be able, I hope, to listen on this site, too, and the record will be available through multiple internet sources, e.g. CDBaby, Amazon, iTunes, etc. Til then, I'll be working on, umm, establishing my internet presence and doing my best to promote this new record.
Hope you all are doing well...